After what's been a topsy turvy year, the club now has some clarity about how club fees are going to work. As you know our club fees are invoiced during the playing season cover the operating expenses of the club - primarily field rental for training & games (the fees you pay at rego are for Hockey NSW and ISCH).
We issued our club fee invoices to you back in May, assuming that we would be playing a whole season. As we only played and trained for half the season, we are now re-issuing our club fee invoices based on half the season.
What this means for you:
- If you already paid your club fee invoice we will keep a credit on the club account for the difference so you can use it again next year. If you would prefer a refund, please let us know (including account name, BSB and account number).
- If you haven't paid your club fee invoice we will be re-issuing a new reduced invoice this week - it's important that we get these paid asap to cover the operating costs that we have already incurred.